The thought of cooking your own meals can be daunting when you live away from home for the first time. And you probably won’t have the time, money or inclination to cook complicated and time-consuming recipes.
Our online cookery course can be started at any time and completed at a convenient time for you. This course will provide you with the basic cooking skills you need, plus a collection of easy-to-make but nutritious recipes.
There’s a mix of sweet and savoury dishes, and all of the dishes can be adapted, or a substitute recipe provided, to meet any dietary requirements. Recipes include chocolate brownies, homemade pizza, bang-bang chicken, one-tray chicken and chorizo bake and salmon risotto. All weekly recipes can be found at the bottom of each programme's page.
By the end of the course, you should feel sufficiently confident in the kitchen to show off your skills by inviting your friends and family for meals. Any combination of courses can be offered so please contact us if you would like a different combination.
These activities may count towards your Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Skills Section; please check with your DofE Leader for suitability before booking.